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Independent Haven, Inc.

Mission Statement

Independent Haven’s mission is to support the success of clients and staff in their life choices.

Core Values:

We believe that each individual is unique, has value, and is to be treated with respect and courtesy.  This includes our clients, parents, social workers and employees.

We believe that each individual needs boundaries to function and boundaries are best presented at the beginning of the relationship with Independent Haven.

We believe that each individual is allowed the freedom to make decisions and be supported and guided where they are lacking ability.

We believe that each individual is capable of a strong work ethic and able to respect the capabilities of others in their journey.

We believe that each individual with a positive attitude, in conjunction with an accurate evaluation, can make a difference.

Key Principle of Operation:

Independent Haven is an assisted living community of special needs adults, clustered in apartments where individuals can experience living in their own independent apartment.

Independent Haven provides assistance for independent living including but not limited to financial, domestic, safety, and community experiences.

Independent Haven provides an RN on staff to monitor and/or provide a safe medicine distribution plan of action to fit the client’s needs.

Independent Haven provides clustered services and individual coaching to meet the needs of our clients through individual service plans.

Independent Haven provides support through a custom individual service plan designed to foster as much independence as possible with a safety net that is activated during any minor or major crisis.

Independent Haven engages to move our clients from a place of distrust and/or crisis to a working relationship with their team coaches at Independent Haven.


Each individual that is part of the Independent Haven team (client or employee) will expand their capabilities and eventually move on to better things or stay with us and continue to improve their lives and the lives of others.

Under theIndependent Havenmanagement team’s guidance the Independent Haven program will expand at a pace that respects the current team and the demand for the quality of program Independent Haven brings to each community.